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I'm 22 years old. Virgin. But actively trying to change that.
However my friend and colleague (yuh I mean) does not want to help me.

The discovery of a new class of drugs - donators nitrogen oxide - has radically generic viagra changed the treatment of patients with erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a quite intimate issue. Statistics show that men are shy to discuss this problem with their loved ones and did not dare to ask for help to the doctors. However, with the advent of Viagra has raised the possibility of effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, and men found out about it.Oleg B. LORAN, corresponding member of RAMS, honored scientist of RF, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of urology Department of Russian medical Academy of postgraduate education.

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The etiology of erectile dysfunction taken to distinguish organic, psychogenic and mixed (organic and psychogenic in the complex) reasons. Recent studies proved that the main source of male weakness is organic in nature. In particular, it was found that erectile dysfunction in most cases is a consequence of chronic diseases, surgical operations, trauma, use of certain drugs and unhealthy lifestyle. However, another important and purely psychogenic etiology of erectile dysfunction, which today is less common.

Sometimes difficult to move from conversation about the blood sugar levels to clarify the situation in the genital area. We try to explain to the patient that the doctor should know about all areas of life. Sometimes connected to the conversation consultants-men when we feel with male doctors, the patient will be easier to discuss this delicate problem. We say that there is an easy to use tool, a drug that helps to cope with the problem of insufficient erection. I want to say that when purpose of Viagra none of the patients now particularly objected that this was a problem in the sample viagra early years, but now everyone is taking it quite calmly.
Galina afanasevna MELNICHENKO, doctor medicinskih Sciences, Professor, Director of Institute of clinical endocrinology Endocrinology center of RAMS.

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Primary ED in young men is almost always the cause is psychological in nature and very rarely - nutrient, normally associated with low levels of the hormone testosterone. About half of the cases of ED secondary (i.e. arising after a period of normal sexual activity) is also caused by psychological factors. They include fear of intimacy, the experience of sexual guilt, depression.
In men older ED is most often caused by a pathology of vessels, neurologic and other diseases, certain medications, diseases of the penis. In the United States, ED affects about half of men older than 65 years. In Russia there is no exact statistics, but according to some expert estimates, secondary ED occurs in 20-25% of men older than 40 years. Vladimir BORISOV, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the faculty of advanced professional education Moscow Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov

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The role of the physician in the assessment of sexual functions of the patient during the appointment Viagra:
* Prior to treat erectile dysfunction, a doctor needs to assess how it will affect the patient's resumption of sexual activity * the Physician must carefully weigh whether sexual activity is affect the patient with concomitant CHD or other chronic diseases
Healthy sex! And not only. (prospects of application of Viagra in related fields) According to specialists in sexology Embassy medicine, even in the elderly Viagra is effective in almost 90% of cases: patients increases the frequency of erections, their strength and duration, frequency of orgasms, sexual desire, level of satisfaction from intercourse and self-confidence.
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